Dr Phyllis Croft

The Foundation was named for the late Dr Phyllis Croft OBE PhD FRCVS, who supported us from the outset and dedicated her life to the study of epilepsy and brain disease.  She was awarded an OBE in 2000 for her work with the PCFCE.

We will always be grateful for the unstinting help and support she gave to the Foundation and to the owners of dogs with epilepsy.  She had the innate ability to answer any question in an easily understandable way.   We really miss her.


Dr Croft's Book

“The Management of Epilepsy in Dogs” 

by Dr Phyllis Croft

 Dr Croft’s book is readily understandable and therefore suitable for dog owners.

This book can be purchased from the PCFCE at a cost of £7.00 for members and £8.00 for non members including postage & packaging.

Please contact the PCFCE Secretary, Margaret James.